It’s all about Building your Personal Brand

Enough Procrastinating!

A couple of months on from our last conversation and I admit to spending the entire time procrastinating.  This is because I know what comes next.  It’s time to put all the navel gazing into action.

It’s all about Personal Branding.  Never ever, underestimate the power of a strong personal brand. Your authenticity, credibility and trustworthiness depends on it.  How does your dream job find you?  Where do internal and external Recruiters find you?  Where does your friend or colleague refer the Hiring Manager of the top performing company in your industry to?  The answer is nowhere if you don’t put yourself out there for the world to discover.

I’m not saying simply post to facebook the latest selfies you have taken, or tweet the picture of your dinner last night, (Tamarillo Hollandaise immediately comes to mind!)  Although we will get to that.  I’m saying start with the corner stone of your Personal Branding.  Your resume.

Yes it’s resume time and yes I can hear the heavy sigh from here.  It seems very old fashioned with the various social media out there however your resume is still the all encompassing Marketing Document it has always been.

Where will you start?  Right here! Right now!

Lets get started…

Notes for writing your Resume