Unique Selling Point

I was really excited to begin this year.  Why?  I’m feeling loved.   Thanks to my 3 new connections on LinkedIn and especially @rsehji for the tweet regarding my article in the Food New Zealand journal.

As daunting as it is to put yourself out there it’s somewhat empowering to actually receive feedback so thanks to those who have let themselves be known.

However, my logical brain then takes me down the thought process of either:

  1. I only have 3 readers?
  2. You are struggling with where to start.
  3. The rest of you can’t be bothered or do not see the value of Personal Branding!

For those of you who selected C let me throw a recruitment statistic at you.  9 out of Lawson Williams Consulting Groups last 20 placements into companies were sourced from Social Media or referrals not Seek or TradeMe.   Do I have you thinking now?

I hope though, most of you chose B as I can actually help and therefore in a round about way feel I am helping to change the world with my bi-monthly ramblings.

  • Your starting point. Ask yourself, “What does your brand say about you now?”  Are you happy with the message?  What are your skills, your passions and what is your Unique Selling Point?
  • Take this a step further. How are you perceived?  Your personal relationships, professional relations and your online reputation? (Goggled yourself lately?)
  • One step further now. What do you want to achieve in your sector, your market and your style?

As I mentioned last time, Lawson Williams has a great road map to help in creating your Personal Brand, simply contact me Raewyn@lawsonwilliams.co.nz, connect with me via LinkedIn or Twitter @raewynbrownnz or if you are not ready to go public just yet, google “Personal Branding” 21,000,000 results and counting.

I’ll leave you with this thought.  When you are wondering why you were not considered for a promotion, a job opening or other opportunities.  Whether your ideas are respected or viewed as credible and whether others are willing to help or hinder you look no further than your Personal Brand.

P.s Yay I have 3 readers!  (She says doing a little dance in her head…)

All about me.  I am Raewyn Brown:  You’ll find me on LinkedIn and Twitter @raewynbrownNZ.  I have over 15 years experience in all aspects of the Recruitment Industry.  I am comfortable in my own world, called quirky in others’.