
Company size matters! – The New Zealand 2023 Industry Salary Survey

The Lawson Williams/NZIFST 2023 Salary Survey results present very clearly – the smaller the company the higher the % of salary increases since 2021 in New Zealand.

In the latest New Zealand Salary Survey, larger companies have managed to mitigate the impact of salary increases more effectively.

At first glance, this might appear to be a risky approach.

It’s important to recognise that offering competitive salaries is crucial in retaining employees.

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Employer and employee salary expectations are misaligned.

The Lawson Williams – 2023 New Zealand Industry Salary Survey

Never before in my 30 years in the employment sector have I experienced a time where employers and employees have such varied expectations around what salaries can or should be paid in New Zealand Industry.

The 2023 Lawson Williams, New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology (Read the full article

Large number of open vacancies are hurting New Zealand businesses.

Skills Shortages and the Cost of Vacancy (COV)

The reality of skills shortages is a hotly debated and politicised topic in New Zealand.

The 2022 NZ Staff Turnover and Employment Survey canvassed organisations on the impacts of current skills shortages.

In 2022, 72% of businesses reported they had positions that they were unable to fill. This was an increase from 64% in 2021.

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