Training your employees for the future of AI

Image of AI - Training your employees for future of AI

In a world full of new AI tools employers and employees are frantically trying to keep up with the speed of innovation while working out which tools are best for their business and role.

A recent survey from Hyland shows that 95% of employees feel confident in their usage and understanding of AI tools. Interestingly of this 95%, 98% are looking to develop those skills and want training on how to best use and utilise them in the workplace.

This highlights the importance for organisations to offer training in AI ethics, compliance, and security and mirrors what we typically see in employees seeking personal development training.

The results emphasise the rapidly growing need for upskilling as AI becomes more integrated into the workplace and employees become more reliant on AI in their roles.

You can read the full article below and it would be great to hear how your organisation is preparing for AI in the workplace and where you see it going in the future.